Ben & Janet Burns Serving with Cru City In 1951 a young California businessman, Bill Bright, was gripped by Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. With his belief that if you reach the college campus today you could reach the world tomorrow, Cru was born. Now the largest Christian missions organization in the world, Cru staff seek to help fulfill the Great Commission by winning, building and sending people for Christ in all walks of life and in all corners of the world. Ben and Janet's role in the Great Commission with Cru is to partner with parents and local churches to raise and release the next generation of cultural leaders to reflect Jesus and the reality of the gospel to others. |
RAISEExperiencing the gospel at home.
As marriage and family educators at the Weekend to Remember Getaway (see below) we help couples experience the gospel for themselves, so they can demonstrate the gospel to their kids. Last year over 2,000 people became Christians at these conferences.
“This marriage conference has made a big impact. We were going to get a divorce, now we are going to change what happens in our house, and how we treat each other. So our children will have a better life as well.”
Guest Weekend to Remember |
RELEASEOwning the gospel in high school.
Our Countdown seminars help parents discuss the gospel with their teenagers in ways that cause them to think and engage in their faith. Plus, our College Life 101 live seminars and YouTube series have helped thousands of high school seniors own their faith as they enter college.
"The College Life 101 material was timely, vital and essentially life-saving for our youth headed to college. We have rarely heard such clear, concise, relevant material presented in such an appealing and entertaining way."
Host Committee Chinese Baptist Church |
REFLECTLiving the gospel in college.
Our Cru Campus network helps grads engage the gospel after high school. We are on over 1,000 college campuses in the US. We provide a supportive community for students to grow in their faith and reach the lost for Christ - on their campus and around the world.
“The missing link in my walk with the Lord was fellowship. It gives us encouragement, awakens passion, corrects our wrongs, and bonds our hearts. I thank my precious God for my brothers and sisters, and I look forward so eagerly to the renewal of my fellowship with my friends back on campus.”
Cain Dickinson State University |
How can we help you experience, demonstrate and
discuss the gospel in your marriage and family?
The Burns Family